You Want What We Have

You Just Don't Know It Yet

Chiropractor Groton CT Kim Pollack Meet The Team


Dr. Kim Pollack provides chiropractic care with clinical excellence in Groton.

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Don't take our word for it, hear what our patients have to say.  Our goal is top notch chiropractic care.

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Our team is here to answer all your questions. Contact us today to see how we can help you get your life back. 

Chiropractor Groton CT

In This office We Provide Hope

Welcome to Better Life Chiropractic, located at 62 Fort Hill Rd. in Groton, Connecticut. We understand choosing a Chiropractor is a big decision. This website contains information that will help you understand this non-conventional type of chiropractic that we do at Better Life Chiropractic.

Our goal at Better Life Chiropractic is

From the moment you walk into the office you get a loving and welcoming feeling. When you first meet the doctor you feel heard and understood. You start becoming excited that you have found the right place and have a knowing that you are going to get the help you have been searching for. When you leave on your first visit you are excited to return because you have hope that you will be starting your journey towards health and ultimately a better life. 


Better Life Chiropractic Will:

  • Give you hope
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Support your immune system
  • Allow you to achieve your full potential
  • Help you feel great